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“Foreign Policy”: US attacks in Yemen are illegal, and the solution lies in ending the war in Gaza.

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The American magazine “Foreign Policy” stated that the military attacks carried out by Washington in Yemen are “illegal,” noting that the White House continues to execute them despite “its belief that they violate US law.”

A recent report published by the renowned American magazine considered the “war waged by the United States against the Houthis” as illegal and unnecessary, stating that it “will not end the crisis in the Red Sea.” It warned of the danger of the continued US attacks in Yemen.

The report stated, “Although there is widespread belief in Washington that US military operations in Yemen violate US law, American officials continue to insist on the necessity of continuing their military campaign.”

The magazine stated, according to the report, that the solution to end the crisis in the Red Sea lies in ceasing the war in Gaza. It referred to the American conviction on this matter by mentioning what the US envoy to Yemen, Lindring, said: “The first step towards reaching a ‘just settlement’ in Yemen is a ceasefire in Gaza. I believe we can diplomatically use that to calm the situation in the Red Sea.”

At the end of last year, the United States announced the launch of a military operation in the Red Sea involving several European countries, as well as Canada and Bahrain, against the Houthi group “Ansar Allah.” This came after the latter declared the implementation of military operations against “Israel” and prevented Israeli ships from crossing the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, conditional upon the cessation of “aggression against Gaza and the lifting of the blockade,” as stated in the military statements broadcasted by the spokesman for the Sana’a government forces, Yahya Sare’e, following the execution of any military operation.

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