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Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi: There is extreme discomfort and anxiety among the enemies regarding the operations that extended to the Indian Ocean

The Israeli enemy's debts have reached an unprecedented level, and prices have risen due to the steadfastness of Gaza and the support fronts

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Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Houthi group “Ansar Allah” in Yemen, said on Thursday that “there is great concern among the enemies about the operations that have extended to the Indian Ocean,” noting that “the debts of the Israeli enemy have reached an unprecedented level and prices have risen due to the steadfastness of Gaza and the supporting fronts.”

Al-Houthi explained in his speech that “the total damage in the agricultural sector has reached 70% according to enemy media, and 40% of farmers have lost their livelihoods, and there is a complete recession in the real estate sector, with losses estimated at more than $20 billion.”

He added: “Hezbollah’s operations continue to escalate quantitatively and qualitatively, and their impact on the enemy is significant and increasing. The operations in northern Palestine have had an economic impact on the entity with damage to its factories and the damage has spread to many aspects.”

He also affirmed that “the operations against ships were carried out with 606 ballistic missiles, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles since the beginning of the support operation for Operation Flood of the Al-Aqsa, and the targeting of enemy targets in occupied Palestine was carried out with 111 ballistic missiles, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles.”

He added, saying: “There is great concern among the enemies about the operations that have extended to the Indian Ocean,” stating that “the American, British, or Israeli may not have expected our country to carry out operations of such long range to the Indian Ocean and for moving targets, and experts realize that our naval operations are complex, important, and rely, by the grace of Allah, on advanced capabilities.”

He continued: “In Umm al-Rashrash, there is a clear impact of the direct Yemeni front operations and the Red Sea operations… We carried out this week, by the help of Allah, 8 operations in the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, extending to the Indian Ocean, southern Palestine, and the eight operations were carried out with 33 ballistic missiles, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles, and we targeted 6 ships associated with the Israeli, American, and British enemy.”

He further stated: “107 is the total number of targeted ships associated with the Israeli and American enemy, while an armed American reconnaissance aircraft of the type (MQ9) was shot down in the skies of Saada, the third during this period.”

Al-Houthi confirmed that “the total operations carried out since the beginning of the Battle of Flood of Al-Aqsa amounted to 156 operations at sea and in southern occupied Palestine.”

The Houthi group “Ansar Allah” indicated that it possesses a large stockpile of strategic deterrent weapons, warning Washington against any escalation that threatens the security and stability of Yemen.

Since last November, the Houthis in Yemen have been carrying out attacks in the Red Sea on Israeli ships or those heading to Israel, “in support of the Palestinian people and Gaza.”

In mid-March, “Ansar Allah” stated that it had expanded the scope of its attacks in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden, against ships associated with Israel or heading to its ports, as well as American and British ships, to include the Indian Ocean.

Source: RT

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