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Sanaa Government Security Agencies Release Photos and Information of Additional Suspects Accused of Spying for the US and Israel

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The Security Agencies of the Sanaa Government Distribute Statements and Photos of Additional Individuals Accused of Involvement in the “American-Israeli Cell” Led by Ammar Mohammed Saleh

The Yemeni News Agency “Saba”, affiliated with the Sanaa government, has published photos and statements regarding “some elements belonging to the so-called ‘Force 400’ affiliated with Ammar Saleh”.

It stated that “they were tasked with recruiting spies and managing espionage networks in some governorates of the Republic of Yemen on behalf of the American and Israeli enemy”.

The security agencies of the Sanaa government announced last week that they had thwarted “American and Israeli intelligence activities”, according to “Saba”.

According to the agency, the security authorities, with the support of the relevant authorities in the Ministry of Defense, were able to arrest in the past few days a number of spies who were recruited through officers and elements belonging to an intelligence entity called (Force 400) led by the wanted spy Ammar Affash.

The agency’s source explained that “these spies were recruited to collect information and monitor sites belonging to the Yemeni armed forces on the western coast of the Republic of Yemen on behalf of the American and Israeli enemy”.

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