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Sana’a Security Forces Announce the Capture of a “CIA-Linked American-Israeli Spy Network

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The security apparatus of the Sana’a government announced on Monday the capture of an “American-Israeli spy network directly linked to the CIA.”

In a statement, the Sana’a government’s Security and Intelligence Service declared, “With the help and grace of God, we have captured an American-Israeli spy network,” highlighting that “the American-Israeli spy network has conducted espionage and sabotage activities in both official and unofficial institutions for decades for the enemy.”

The statement added, “The American-Israeli spy network is directly linked to the CIA and was provided with special technologies, equipment, and tools to carry out their activities secretly.”

The security agency’s statement continued, “Members of the American-Israeli spy network and American officers exploited their positions at the U.S. Embassy to conduct their sabotage activities. After the U.S. Embassy’s exit from Sana’a, the network’s members continued to execute their destructive agendas under the cover of international and UN organizations.”

The statement further noted, “This significant achievement was accomplished with God’s help and great efforts, along with joint cooperation among various security agencies.”

It explained that “the espionage and sabotage activities of the American-Israeli spy network extended to most aspects of life, and the impact of their destructive actions accumulated over decades.”

The statement elaborated, “The American-Israeli spy network was the main arm for implementing American and Israeli plans in the Republic of Yemen,” adding that “the network provided enemy intelligence agencies with crucial information on various sectors, both official and otherwise.”

The security statement also stated, “For decades, the spy network influenced decision-makers, infiltrated state authorities, passed decisions and laws, recruited numerous individuals, and coordinated visits to the United States to influence and recruit them. The network recruited economists and oil and trade company owners, connecting them with American and Israeli intelligence.”

According to the statement, the network “conducted destructive operations in the agricultural sector, focusing on failing agricultural research institutions and seed propagation centers and recruited several spies within the Ministry of Agriculture.” It added, “The spy network executed American plans by producing and propagating agricultural pests, and it executed projects and programs targeting the health sector, contributing to the spread of diseases and epidemics across various Yemeni provinces. The American-Israeli spy network implemented destructive plans against the educational process, disconnecting education from development and growth.”

The statement continued, “The spy network participated in plans targeting the faith-based identity of the Yemeni people and their values and customs, seeking to spread immorality and manage centers for moral corruption.”

The security statement further mentioned, “The spy network conducted direct technical espionage operations for enemy intelligence to obtain highly sensitive sovereign information, eavesdropped on the privacy of the Yemeni society, and leveraged it for its hostile plans. The network has been providing the CIA and Mossad with critical and highly confidential military and security information for decades. Following the victory of the ‘September 21 Revolution’ and the departure of the U.S. Embassy from Sana’a, the network continued its destructive roles, collecting limited circulation information on the state budget for American and Israeli intelligence.”

The statement added, “The network collected intelligence on the approved plans and policies of the Salvation Government, sought to uncover funding sources for military fronts for enemy intelligence agencies, managed intelligence activities targeting the military and manufacturing capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces, monitored military movements and strategic capabilities, provided coordinates, and did everything to achieve the enemy’s goals.”

The Sana’a security forces affirmed that they would “reveal more details and information in the coming days and continue to fulfill their responsibilities in confronting all conspiratorial projects.”

**Source: RT**

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