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Chinese Media: Houthi Targeting of “Eisenhower” Becomes Global Talking Point

NYN | Reports and analyses:

A report by a Chinese media agency stated that the targeting of the U.S. aircraft carrier “Dwight D. Eisenhower” in the Red Sea by Sana’a government forces has become a global talking point.

The agency noted that despite U.S. denials, the Pentagon’s decision to withdraw the carrier from the Red Sea has raised doubts about the American denial and reinforced the belief that the conflict between the “Houthis and U.S. forces” seems unresolved. Reports continue to indicate conflicting statements regarding the truth of the attacks and the damages inflicted on the carrier.

The Chinese report stated, “While the U.S. confirmed that the carrier was not significantly affected,” the Yemeni narrative has prevailed over the American narrative, which attempts to deny the repeated targeting of the Eisenhower.

The Chinese report added, “The Houthis in Yemen twice announced their success in targeting the carrier, but U.S. military statements denied these claims, confirming that there were no serious damages to the carrier.”

The report highlighted that the ongoing confrontations between Sana’a’s naval forces and the U.S. Navy in the Red Sea have sparked international reactions. These confrontations are seen as contributing to regional tensions and impacting maritime security in the area. Sana’a warned about this when the United States announced it would deploy warships in the Red Sea to prevent Yemeni forces from targeting Israeli ships. The Yemeni forces had declared a ban on their passage through the Red Sea before expanding their operational theater and target list following the expansion of Israeli aggression on Gaza and the direct U.S.-British military intervention in Yemen to protect Israel.

The Chinese report emphasized that “despite presenting itself as a global power, the United States has failed to confront the Yemeni forces, which have become an unexpected challenge for Washington.”

The Chinese report concluded that the American reaction to Yemen’s announcement of targeting the Eisenhower confirmed that the targeting indeed occurred and highlighted the complexities and confusion facing U.S. foreign and security policy in the Middle East.

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