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A High-Level U.S. Delegation Arrives in Riyadh for Talks on Yemen and the Escalation Between “Israel and the Houthis”

NYN | News

The American news outlet *Axios* reported, citing three U.S. officials, that a high-level American delegation arrived in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday for discussions regarding the situation in Yemen and the recent escalation between “Israel and the Houthis.”

According to the report, the U.S. delegation is led by Brett McGurk, the White House’s senior advisor on Middle Eastern affairs. The delegation also includes Barbara Leaf, the top diplomat at the U.S. State Department for Middle Eastern affairs; Tim Lenderking, the U.S. envoy to Yemen; and Dan Shapiro, the Pentagon’s top official for Middle Eastern affairs.

A source familiar with the talks stated that “bilateral cooperation between the United States and Saudi Arabia continues to implement the political process in Yemen and to enhance stability in Yemen and the Red Sea.”

A White House official mentioned that McGurk is leading a high-level delegation from multiple agencies, including representatives from the Departments of State and Defense, to Saudi Arabia “to discuss bilateral relations and regional developments.” The official added that McGurk will then travel to Cairo “to consult with his Egyptian counterparts on related issues and to advance discussions on a ceasefire and a hostage deal.”

The report noted that Saudi Arabia has become increasingly concerned in recent weeks about rising tensions and the potential slide into renewed conflict in Yemen.

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