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Houthi Reveals “Unprecedented in History” New Technologies to Surprise Enemies on Land and Sea

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The leader of the Houthi movement (Ansar Allah), Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, has declared that “enemies will be surprised on land just as they were at sea, by new technologies unprecedented in history, which will help to devastate them.”

In his speech during the inauguration of the Prophet’s Birthday celebrations on Thursday, September 5, 2024, which also addressed the latest developments in the aggression against Gaza, al-Houthi said, “As a Yemeni people, we thank God that we have moved on the basis of jihad for the sake of God, supporting Palestine, and in an open and clear confrontation against America, Israel, and Britain. Our armed forces have undertaken daring military operations to strike the enemy with everything we have, without any worry or lowered ceilings, and we strive for even greater things with God’s help.”

Al-Houthi emphasized that “Yemeni operations continue, and each week results in missile strikes and the targeting of enemies with ballistic and cruise missiles.”

He continued, “We are in continuous action, and God has granted our operations at sea significant results, reaching the Mediterranean Sea. The enemies speak of the battle of the Red Sea with terms of defeat and failure, as they are unable to protect Israeli ships.”

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi confirmed that “our people contribute to jihad for the sake of God with their naval operations, and they continue to develop their capabilities, surprising the enemies, who will be astonished on land just as they were at sea by new technologies unprecedented in history, which will help to devastate them by the power and might of God.”

He went on to say, “Since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, we have longed for our people to move in their hundreds of thousands to directly join the ground battle, but geography, with its vast Arab regimes, many of which collude with the Israeli enemy, prevented us from direct confrontation with the enemy.”

He added, “We wished they would test us, or that they, who hate us and seek to get rid of us, would open the road to Gaza, but they did not and will not.” He clarified that “some Arab rulers have made themselves shields for the Americans to protect them from what is directed at the Israeli enemy.”

Al-Houthi stated, “We will not spare any effort to do everything we can to support the Palestinian people and to engage in jihad for the sake of God, even though we always feel pain and a sense of inadequacy. We are continuing, and the response is coming, and there is also a continuous path by God’s will.”

He added, “We will never abandon the Palestinian people as long as there is a pulse in our veins and we are alive, because with our lives we carry faith in God Almighty. Our dear people have, by God’s grace, attained the honor of dignity and liberation from humiliating and degrading positions, and therefore they continue their jihadist march.”

Al-Houthi continued, “Our people have carried the banner of jihad for the sake of God Almighty, and thus we continue with peace of mind and tranquility, as a great blessing from God Almighty.”

He expressed his regret, saying, “It is regrettable that the Arabs watch the killings in Palestine, the violation of honor, the burning of the Qur’an, the destruction of mosques, and the starvation of millions without taking a stance.”

He pointed out that “the loss of values, morals, principles, and faith commitments is a grave and serious loss in people’s relationship with God Almighty.” He affirmed that “if the Islamic nation loses its jihadist spirit, it loses its dignity, courage, independence, and freedom. The loss of the jihadist spirit means that the nation has become humiliated, weak, and broken, and this emboldens enemies against it.”

Al-Houthi reiterated that “the withdrawal of the nation’s sons from any stance in the way of God to support the Palestinian people is a state of humiliation, cowardice, and fear.” He added, “The regrettable state in our nation’s reality is that the Jews, upon whom God has placed disgrace and wretchedness, have become lions against the sons of our nation.”

He continued, “If the nation withdraws from its sacred and important responsibilities, it will lose God’s support, assistance, and victory. With the loss of the jihadist spirit, the nation no longer has the motivation to build and prepare power, and weakness becomes a prevailing culture, with surrender and submission becoming a general behavior.”

Al-Houthi noted that “some countries and regimes work to appease the enemy, offering concessions, paying tribute, and seeking its protection in exchange for cooperation against their own nation,” explaining that “no matter how much these regimes offer in services, when the enemy decides to dispense with them, it will not appreciate what they have done for it.”

He continued, “One of the biggest scandals regarding what is happening in Palestine is the great disgrace of the extremists who shift the direction of hostility, where they only activate the title of jihad to destroy the nation from within and to incite sectarian and sectarian strife in service of the enemy.”

Al-Houthi asked, “Where is the jihad of the extremists? Where is martyrdom? Where are the suicide bombers? Why do they not carry out their operations against the Jewish Zionists? Everything has vanished!”

He added, “How awful it is when the reality of a people or country becomes such that efforts, energies, capabilities, and wealth are harnessed to serve a criminal and oppressive enemy,” emphasizing that “the Israeli enemy is a clear and explicit enemy in its hostility to Islam and Muslims, with no ambiguity in the matter.”

Al-Houthi stressed that “the title of jihad must be revived, as it will represent the real solution to the demise of the Zionist enemy. The enemy’s downfall is inevitable, and other bets are lost.”

The leader of Ansar Allah praised “the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip who are fighting for the sake of God with bravery, steadfastness, and dedication despite their limited capabilities,” asserting that “the level of cohesion and steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza cannot be matched by the large armies of some Arab regimes that have taken a different direction. If they were struck by an American or Israeli strike, some of them would almost vanish and collapse within weeks, if not within days.”

He pointed out that “the reality of the Israeli enemy testifies to its failure despite its tyranny, oppression, blatant aggression, and genocide,” adding, “The Israeli enemy, with all its criminality, arrogance, and comprehensive destruction, reveals its cowardice, weakness, and feebleness.”

Al-Houthi confirmed that “if the steadfastness of the Palestinian people had received support and backing from their nation, the situation would have been more advanced, but what is happening in Palestine is an important test for our nation, revealing the reality of all its peoples, all its regimes, and all its scholarly and academic elites.”

He concluded his speech by saying, “We never allow any forced financial collection for the service of the Prophet’s Birthday occasion, and any such occurrence is a violation that may be in the context of extortion by opportunists and exploiters or by those who have nothing to do with the Prophet’s Birthday occasion, neither closely nor remotely.”

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