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The Intercept: Despite 20 Years of American War in Yemen, the Houthis Strengthen Global Influence and Choke the Red Sea

NYN | Reports and analyses

The American website “The Intercept” reported that despite the United States’ two-decade-long war in Yemen, it has been unable to prevent the Sanaa government forces (the Houthis) from enhancing their global influence and choking the Red Sea.

In a recent report published by the site, it was noted that “the United States has been at war in Yemen for over two decades, yet the Houthis remain capable of choking the Red Sea.”

The report explained that “American leaders have consistently spoken over those years about promoting peace and stability in Yemen,” referencing earlier statements this year by the U.S. Special Envoy to Yemen, Timothy Lenderking, who said, “Ultimately, peace in Yemen serves the interests of all Yemenis as well as our regional partners, and the United States is ready to provide support to achieve that.”

Despite these statements, the report emphasized that the Yemeni people “have continued to suffer immensely,” highlighting that “the main target of American military operations in the country has been the Houthis, who now exert more influence on the global stage than ever before.”

The report also touched on the damage inflicted by U.S.-led wars in predominantly Muslim countries, noting that “Yemen is just one of the countries affected by endless wars, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Niger, where more than 940,000 people have died due to direct violence, while nearly 4 million others have perished due to indirect conditions like food insecurity and infrastructure destruction.”

It added that since 2002, the United States has conducted approximately 400 attacks in Yemen, including airstrikes and drone assassinations, often resulting in civilian casualties, including women and children.

The report highlighted that the United States had for years used “proxy forces” to conduct covert counterterrorism missions in Yemen, in addition to providing military support to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen until 2021 through the provision of weapons, logistical support, and intelligence.

The site quoted Seth Binder from the Center for Democracy in the Middle East, saying, “The United States has for decades supported authoritarian regimes in the region, under the pretext that these security relationships would bring stability, but what we have seen in Yemen is the exact opposite, where these policies have brought conflict and suffering.”

Binder added that the impact of American policies in the region “is undeniable,” asserting that they have led to significant destabilization.

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