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U.S Website: Ongoing Houthi Attacks in the Red Sea Highlight Exceptional Resilience and Defiance

NYN | Reports and analyses

The American website Maritime Executive, specializing in shipping and maritime transport, reported that the continued attacks in the Red Sea, despite Western efforts, reveal the operational resilience of Sanaa’s forces and a persistent defiance of confrontation.

In an article by Jonathan Campbell James, published on the site, which also offers a business magazine and digital news bulletin, he noted that “the multinational presence in the Red Sea has failed to suppress Houthi attacks on commercial vessels.”

Despite efforts from the U.S.-led coalition and the European Union’s Operation Aspides, the article added that “Houthi attacks have persisted, demonstrating the resilience they have acquired under the pressure of the war with Saudi and Emirati forces since 2015.”

The ongoing attacks also highlight “a persistence that no adversary has yet been able to confront,” according to the article.

James also pointed out that “the Houthis possess the capability to detect and identify ships as they move through international shipping lanes, with little concern for the risk of misidentification.”

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