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Al-Houthi’s Message to the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples After the Assassination of Nasrallah

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The leader of the Houthi movement (Ansar Allah), Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, pledged his unwavering support to the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, promising not to abandon them, and asserting that no matter the sacrifices, they would not lead to surrender but rather drive a push toward escalation.

In a televised speech on Saturday following the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, Al-Houthi said, “We received with deep sorrow the news of the martyrdom of the great mujahid, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,” offering his “heartfelt condolences to his noble family, our brothers in Hezbollah, the Lebanese people, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, the Palestinian people, and the free people of the world.”

He added, “We say to everyone, may God grant us and you patience in this great loss, which is a tragedy for the entire Islamic nation. As for our dear martyr, congratulations on his martyrdom, for his life ended with a noble sacrifice to God after a great journey of jihad in the path of God, during which he gave all his effort, time, and energy for the sake of God.”

Al-Houthi highlighted that Nasrallah “was a shining star in the sky of the mujahideen, a blessed and successful leader carrying the banner of Islam and jihad, embodying the values and ethics of Islam, known for his sincerity and loyalty by both friend and foe.”

He affirmed that God “achieved great accomplishments and victories through Nasrallah and his comrades in Hezbollah, elevating them to the heights of glory and honor.” Al-Houthi added that “the appropriate stance in this great sacrifice is one of patience, acceptance, and anger towards the enemies of God and humanity—the criminal Jews and Zionists.”

He continued, “Our brothers in Hezbollah and the resistance community are among the first to understand that the journey of jihad is also a journey of martyrdom, and that sacrifices in the path of God are part of jihad itself and a great offering to our Lord, as well as a testimony to the great values and injustices we face.”

Al-Houthi emphasized that Hezbollah, with all its leadership, members, and supporters, “has carried the Hussainian spirit of faith in the battlefield since day one, facing challenges and hardships. Now, the moment demands walking in the footsteps of the righteous.”

He stressed that “the most important thing now is to thwart the hopes of the criminal Zionist enemy, who is counting on their heinous crime to break the morale and weaken Hezbollah’s front, which has been a strong and leading force against the Zionist enemy from the start of its jihadist journey.”

He added, “Loyalty to the martyr and leader of the Muslims, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, lies in continuing the jihadist journey with determination, patience, and steadfastness, relying on and trusting in God.” He assured that “just as the Zionist enemy’s hopes were dashed after the assassination of the great martyr Ismail Haniyeh, their hopes will be thwarted again with the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.”

Al-Houthi further stated that “no matter the scale of the sacrifices, this does not mean retreat, but rather a move toward escalation and improved performance.” He noted that “the criminal and aggressive nature of the Israeli enemy has not changed, whether in the assassinations of former Hezbollah leaders, Sayyed Abbas Al-Mousawi, Sheikh Ragheb Harb, or Palestinian leaders.”

He asked, “Did the enemy achieve the results they hoped for? Did the battlefield become theirs, and did the mujahideen surrender? Or, after all this, did they grow more determined, devoted, and steadfast, carrying the banner forward and achieving victory after victory?”

Al-Houthi pointed out that “the Israeli enemy bears responsibility for its major crimes against the sons and leaders of the ummah, but they will not achieve their aspirations. The enemy’s inevitable demise is certain as per God’s promise.” He reaffirmed that “the support fronts, the axis of jihad, and the banner of Islam will remain and rise high despite the Israeli enemy.”

He concluded by stating, “We are not here to discuss operational details or the implications of the situation; that will come in the course of our actions and future statements. However, it is essential for everyone to play their role because the battle is ongoing, and the Zionist enemy is an enemy of Islam and Muslims, posing a dangerous threat to all humanity.”

Al-Houthi renewed Yemen’s firm stance in supporting Palestine and Lebanon, declaring, “We will not abandon the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples or our fellow mujahideen in Lebanon and Palestine.”

He expressed hope that the media front would be active during this critical period, stressing the need to “intensify efforts to counter all demonic campaigns aimed at breaking morale by the Zionist enemy and its hypocritical agents.”

He concluded, “I assure our dear martyr and his previous comrades in Palestine and Lebanon that we remain steadfast, patient, and resolute, and their blood will not be shed in vain. God is our support, and He is the best guardian, and to Him is the best destiny.”

In turn, the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, in a statement, affirmed that “Sayyed Nasrallah’s jihad and sacrifice culminated in the best end, martyrdom in the path of God, after a lifetime of struggle.”

The Political Council expressed its “deepest condolences to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s noble family, Hezbollah and its mujahideen, the Lebanese people, and the Islamic ummah.”

It stressed that “the inevitable outcome will be victory and the demise of the Israeli enemy and its temporary entity.” It added, “No matter the sacrifices, the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will fuel more sacrifice, enthusiasm, and steadfastness.”

On Saturday, the President of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, Mahdi Al-Mashat, declared three days of mourning and ordered flags to be flown at half-mast “after the martyrdom of the great mujahid, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah, in a treacherous Israeli attack on the southern suburb of Beirut.”

The official spokesperson for the Houthis (Ansar Allah), Mohammed Abdulsalam, also extended his condolences to Hezbollah in Lebanon and liberation movements worldwide, expressing “deep sympathy for this great loss with the passing of the great leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.”

In a statement published on his “X” platform account, Abdulsalam said, “Martyr Hassan Nasrallah achieved what he longed for, the medal of martyrdom, after decades of struggle, a brave warrior unparalleled in modern history.”

He added, “Thanks to the wise leadership of martyr Hassan Nasrallah, Israel and its arrogant supporters have suffered consecutive defeats, and his sacred blood will be a curse that haunts the Zionist entity until its eradication.”

Abdulsalam emphasized that “the ummah only knew victory with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and he ended his jihadist life with the triumph of martyrdom.”

He concluded by affirming that “the pain of losing martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will not weaken his brothers but will grant them additional strength to continue the path of resistance and jihad until final victory. This is God’s promise, and He never breaks His promise.”

On Saturday, Hezbollah announced the martyrdom of its Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, whom Israel claimed to have assassinated during intense airstrikes on the southern suburb of Beirut on Friday.

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