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British Newspaper ‘The Telegraph’ Reports: Iran and Houthis Defeated the US Military

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The British newspaper “The Telegraph” said it is time for American officials to recognize that the United States cannot be an absolute power, fighting every battle around the world.

In an article titled “Iran and the Houthis have defeated the US military”, writer Daniel Debtris pointed out that “Americans have not only learned from an early age to love their country, but also to be amazed by its power”, considering that “it is difficult not to be sympathetic with this kind of argument, since the United States owns a quarter of the global GDP. The United States spends more on defense than the next nine countries combined, and also enjoys broad influence in international trade and in international economic institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.”

He believed that “what US policymakers often fail to understand is that power does not necessarily mean unlimited influence. US foreign policy engineers often assume that the United States has absolute power, and is able to coerce both friends and foes alike to adapt their policies to Washington’s liking.”

He added: “This assumption is almost universal, but it has been repeatedly refuted, especially in the Middle East. In Yemen, for example, the Houthis have been treating the Red Sea as their own firing range since November. They have attacked civilian ships and US Navy ships crossing the waterway more than 100 times during that time period, in support of the Palestinians.”

He reported that “the economic pain did not yield any positive political results regarding the nuclear file. On the contrary, the Iranian nuclear problem has become worse. Tehran, freed from any nuclear constraints, has begun to install more centrifuges, raise enrichment levels to a higher level and reduce the level of access for the International Atomic Energy Agency, and is closer to possessing a nuclear bomb than ever before.”

He added: “None of this means that the United States is not a powerful state. The important point here is that the United States often exaggerates its power, and underestimates the power of other countries to resist American dictates, as it has an excessive confidence that any challenges along the way can be easily brushed aside. But the reality is much more complex, and it is time for American officials to recognize this.”

Taken from: RT

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