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Chinese Writer: The Houthis Have Become an Important Regional Force, and Their Recent Actions Are Not Simple

NYN | Reports and Analysis

A Chinese political analyst and writer described the attack carried out by the Sana’a government forces on the U.S. aircraft carrier Eisenhower as “not a simple matter.” In an analytical article, he stated that “the world today is pausing to consider this attack by Houthi forces on the aircraft carrier as a significant event and a major achievement in their struggle against American and Israeli hegemony.”

The Chinese writer on the “News Inorth” website provided an analysis of the reasons and challenges that make attacking a U.S. aircraft carrier a complex and difficult task, focusing on the military and tactical capabilities required for the attacking forces to succeed in such operations.

The analysis highlighted the capabilities and features of the U.S. aircraft carrier and its supporting group of frigates and destroyers, as well as the conditions necessary for a successful attack on the Eisenhower, which is currently undergoing maintenance in a Saudi port on the Red Sea following its damage.

The writer pointed out the combat capabilities that the Sana’a government forces, referred to as “Houthis,” have acquired to reach the point of being able to successfully attack the U.S. aircraft carrier (Eisenhower), noting that achieving this is not easy. Therefore, it is not surprising that militaries worldwide are contemplating how Yemeni forces managed to target the carrier.

The analysis described the Sana’a forces as “an important regional force today, despite not having international recognition, deserving of international attention.” It emphasized that major powers like the United States and European countries view them with significant consideration. The writer mentioned the objective and technical conditions that enabled Houthi forces to execute military strategies and tactics suitable for confronting the formidable American military power, despite the disparity in military capabilities between the two sides.

The article noted that Yemen achieves several goals through its military campaign against Western and Israeli ships in international waters. Among these goals is influencing the policies of the concerned countries, indicating Yemen’s objective to prevent the Israeli occupation from continuing its war on Gaza and also to prevent America from continuing its support for the occupation.

The analysis also explained the political and strategic objectives behind the Yemeni armed forces’ attacks on U.S. aircraft carriers and other ships. The Chinese analysis suggests that these attacks are not just demonstrations of power but aim to achieve larger strategic objectives.

**Strategic Bargaining:** The article indicates that the Houthi attacks aim to acquire “strategic bargaining chips,” using these attacks to achieve political and strategic gains in the region. This includes forcing Israel to stop its war on Gaza and potentially increasing regional influence or seeking more international support, or influencing the policies of concerned countries in the region.

Finally, the Chinese analysis discussed the impact of these Yemeni operations on the U.S. naval fleet and their effect on the sentiments of Arab people who are hostile to America, regardless of their governments’ positions. The analysis asserts that these attacks contribute to increasing anti-American sentiments in the Middle East, leading to greater support for Yemen, led by Sana’a and the Houthis, to continue their mission in the region. It also suggested that the attacks might heighten animosity towards not only America but also towards neighboring countries of Yemen, specifically those normalizing or moving towards normalization with Israel, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, and Jordan. This could increase support for the Houthi armed forces and heighten pressure on the countries supporting the coalition fighting the Houthis.

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