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Dimensions of the Yemeni Hypersonic Missile Strike on Israel and Its Impact on Reshaping Strategic Equations in the Region

NYN | Reports and analyses

The American website The Cradle reported that the bold strike carried out by the Yemeni government forces using a hypersonic missile on Tel Aviv not only exposed gaps in Israel’s defenses but also highlighted the political fragility of the occupying state. This challenges the current status quo and suggests that Sana’a has now become a regional power to be reckoned with. The report emphasized that this missile strike represents a dramatic escalation in Yemeni military capabilities and their readiness to confront Israel directly.

In an analytical report, the site, which specializes in covering Middle Eastern issues from a different perspective than the prevailing Western media, noted that “in the early hours of Sunday, September 15, a Yemeni hypersonic ballistic missile penetrated Israeli airspace and struck the heart of Tel Aviv.” The missile, launched in commemoration of the Prophet’s birthday, traveled more than 2,000 kilometers, evading the joint defense systems of Israel, the United States, and their Arab allies.

According to the report, a statement from the Ansar Allah movement indicated that the Yemeni Armed Forces allied with Ansar Allah launched a new hypersonic missile that traveled at extraordinary speed, hitting Tel Aviv within 11 and a half minutes, causing fear and panic among Israelis.

The report also highlighted that this missile strike occurred amid escalating Israeli threats to launch a military attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s refusal to ceasefire in Gaza.

The report emphasized that “the bold missile strike on Sunday sent a clear message that Yemen is capable of significantly influencing the future of the conflict, challenging Israel’s expectations and altering the strategic calculations of regional players.”

The site also warned that the missile strike was a clear warning to Israel to expect further strikes and qualitative operations from Sana’a. It referenced the anniversary of the “Blessed October 7 Operation” and the response to the Israeli aggression on the city of Hodeidah.

The report went on to mention that this was not the first time Yemen targeted Tel Aviv in support of Palestinian resistance. In July, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a long-range drone attack that killed an Israeli, prompting Israel to bomb Yemen’s Hodeidah.

Furthermore, the report noted that the hypersonic missile strike represents a dramatic escalation in Yemen’s military capabilities and readiness to face Israel directly. It aligns with Sana’a’s commitment to enhancing the country’s military and technological capabilities, with a focus on using new weapons via land and sea.

The Israeli army admitted its failure to intercept the missile, which landed near the settlement of Kfar Daniel, close to Ben Gurion Airport. The attack, along with interception attempts, caused fires and significant damage to a train station near the town of Modi’in.

The website also highlighted that this breach of Israeli air defenses had major political ramifications, with Israel facing increasing internal unrest.

Amid these immense pressures, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held his weekly cabinet meeting, vowing a strong response against Yemen. He announced that Israel would impose a “heavy price” for any attack on its territory and emphasized the readiness of the occupying state to confront what he described as the “axis of evil” led by Iran.

The report stated that Netanyahu’s remarks reflect the growing concerns in Tel Aviv as he acknowledged the multiple threats facing Israel. However, his speech revealed deeper frustration, as he failed to stop the escalation or quell Yemen’s determination despite Israeli military measures, including the assault on Hodeidah.

The decision by Yemen to launch a hypersonic missile was calculated and carefully considered, sending important messages on both the regional and international levels. The fact that Sana’a took this step demonstrates its rejection of any deterrent efforts by Israel, the U.S., or the UK.

The report explained that the operation underscores the continued development of Yemen’s military capabilities, which have now proven able to strike deep into Israeli territory with precision. Moreover, this missile strike showcases Yemen’s growing ability to bypass advanced defense systems—a development not unnoticed in Washington and Tel Aviv.

By targeting Tel Aviv, Sana’a sent a message that it is ready to challenge the status quo in West Asia, particularly Israel’s perceived dominance. This strike also reflects the erosion of U.S. and Israeli deterrence, a reality that will shape future interactions across a wide range of issues, including the blockade on Yemen and the internal divisions exacerbated by foreign intervention.

Additionally, the report emphasized that Yemen will not retreat from its support for Palestinian resistance, regardless of the cost, and that any cessation of hostilities must be tied to ending the war in Gaza, according to Yemen’s assertions.

The strike came at a sensitive time, as Israel was threatening to launch a large-scale military operation against Lebanon, signaling Yemen’s readiness to be an active player in any regional multi-front conflict.

The report underlined that by targeting Tel Aviv, Sana’a sent a strong message to Israel and its allies that Yemen will not stand idle if other members of the resistance axis are targeted. This strike strengthens Yemen’s role as a key pillar of resistance in the region, proving it to be an integral part of the strategic equation linking Iran, Hezbollah, and other regional powers.

Finally, the report stated that “Netanyahu’s strategy of isolating each front and dealing with them separately is being undermined by the growing solidarity and coordination between his opponents.”

The missile strike from Yemen on Tel Aviv serves as a stark reminder that Israeli actions on one front will have repercussions across the region, and Yemen’s role in this regional dynamic is growing stronger.

The hypersonic strike on Tel Aviv may mark a turning point in the escalating conflict between Israel and Yemen, increasing the political and security costs for the occupying state, especially as the Gaza war nears its first anniversary.

The report concluded by stating that “with tensions continuing to rise, it has become clear that any attempt to impose rules of engagement in West Asia will face fierce resistance, and Yemen has proven itself not to be a passive player in this conflict. The reverberations of this strike are likely to be felt across the region for months, if not years, to come.”

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