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Jerusalem Post: The Houthi Threat to Israel is Escalating, and Tel Aviv is Urged to Take it Seriously

NYN | Reports and analyses

The Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post reported that the direct threat posed by the Sanaa government forces to Israel is becoming an increasing concern, emphasizing that Tel Aviv must take the statements made by the leaders of the Houthi (Ansar Allah) group about retaliating against Israel seriously. It also highlighted the importance of coordinating with Western countries to curb the development of the Houthis’ capabilities.

The newspaper’s report explained that “the current situation does not offer any optimism regarding the direct threat posed by the Houthis to Israel. According to the group’s leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the Houthis are now preparing for the fifth phase of confrontation with Israel, which includes unexpected initiatives and an expanded target list.”

The report added that “the Houthis are threatening a strong response against military targets, ports, and energy sites, along with disrupting Israeli oil supplies.”

The report stressed that “the statements from senior Houthi leaders, indicating that retaliation against Israel is imminent, must be taken seriously,” emphasizing that “it should not be assumed that the Houthis have backed down after the significant strike on the port of Hodeidah.”

According to the report, “it remains likely that the Houthis have reorganized themselves, driven by a strong motivation to harm Israel, as evidenced by renewed attacks in the Red Sea.”

The report suggested that “the Houthis will grow stronger over time, both in terms of the quantity and quality of weapons they possess, and the scope of the threat may be closer than expected.”

It pointed out that “while Israel is focused on the more pressing threats from Gaza and Lebanon, it must prepare to take measures against the Houthis in the near future.” These measures include “targeting Houthi leaders, launching cyberattacks, and continuing strikes on economic and military assets under the group’s control.”

The newspaper called on Israel to “raise awareness among policymakers in the United States and Europe about the growing threat posed by the Houthi group, including their ambitions to develop advanced weapons that could pose a direct threat to the U.S. and Europe.”

The report concluded with a warning about the escalating regional risks as the Houthis advance in executing their attacks, urging the international community to recognize the scale of the threat currently facing Israel.

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