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Leader of Houthis “Ansar Allah”: The Israeli Enemy Is No Longer Safe Even in “Tel Aviv”

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The leader of the Houthi movement Ansar Allah, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, stated on Sunday that the Israeli enemy’s deterrence capabilities have ended and that no matter what the enemy does, it will never regain deterrence.

In a televised speech regarding the Israeli aggression on Hodeidah, he emphasized that they have added new weapons developed to support Gaza according to the requirements of the current stage and battle. He asserted that the Yemeni people are committed to supporting the Palestinian people and will never be swayed or retreat from their position.

Al-Houthi explained that as the aggression on Gaza continues, the group will move to a new phase. He noted that penetrating the enemy’s capital with a drone was part of the fifth phase of the group’s operations, which will continue.

He added that the enemy is no longer safe even in what it calls its capital, Tel Aviv, and confirmed that the threat and danger facing the enemy will persist. The bombing of Jaffa (Tel Aviv) is part of a new equation.

Al-Houthi said that the Israeli enemy targeted Hodeidah for show purposes for its audience, and that “the results of the aggression on our country will be more escalation and challenge.”

He argued that Israel’s direct aggression on Yemen will not restore its lost deterrence but will contribute to escalation and challenge. He noted that the occupation tries to isolate the Palestinian people while being protected by the Americans. He expressed satisfaction that the battle has become direct with the enemy, as it proves the enemy’s failure to isolate the Palestinian people.

He explained that the support front in Lebanon was the first to move against the enemy’s strategy of isolating Gaza, while the support front in Yemen has made a significant impact in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean.

He stated that “the enemy has failed to stop or weaken our operations, which have escalated and developed.” He highlighted that they are engaged in this battle stronger than ever before, and “our people have gained experience and capability, and even the suffering will not be as severe as in the past.”

Source: Al Jazeera

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