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Official Announcement from “Sana’a” Regarding the Implementation of the Banking Agreement

NYN | News

The Yemeni News Agency “Saba,” affiliated with the Sana’a government, revealed today, Wednesday, the start of the implementation of the banking agreement and the cancellation of decisions issued by both the Sana’a and Aden governments that had previously halted dealings with and suspended them.

The agency reported, “A banking source in Sana’a confirmed today the beginning of the implementation of points related to banks according to the agreement announced yesterday, Tuesday.”

The source explained that the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) has notified Yemeni banks about the reactivation of the service.

The agency’s source noted that the Central Bank of Yemen in Sana’a has, in turn, canceled some of the measures it had taken, as a step to express goodwill.

The news published by the agency stated that “the source emphasized that today’s steps are part of the remedies outlined in the agreement, stressing the necessity of fully implementing the agreement’s provisions to eliminate all obstacles facing Yemeni banks, enabling them to provide national financial and economic services and contribute to alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people.”

The special envoy of the UN Secretary-General, Hans Grundberg, announced yesterday, Tuesday, an agreement between Sana’a and Aden to end all measures taken against the banking sector.

For his part, the head of the Sana’a government’s negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdul Salam, said yesterday in a post on his “X” account that the agreement stipulates: “The cancellation of recent decisions and actions against banks from both sides and a future halt to any similar decisions or actions. Resumption of Yemenia flights between Sana’a and Jordan, increasing the number of flights to three daily, and operating daily or as needed flights to Cairo and India. Meetings will be held to address the administrative, technical, and financial challenges facing the company, and to begin holding meetings to discuss all economic and humanitarian issues based on the roadmap.”

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