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Sana’a’s Strong Response to Israel After Hodeidah Bombing: Harsh and Unbearable!

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The Supreme Political Council in Sana’a strongly condemned the Israeli bombing of Hodeidah province, which targeted civilian infrastructure for the second time. The council asserted that “this aggression will not go unanswered” and that the Israeli occupation will face unbearable retaliation.

In a statement published by the “Saba” news agency, the council emphasized that “the Zionist enemy is trampling over international laws and conventions, but through such barbarism, it is subjecting itself to responses it cannot endure.”

The council pointed out that “the Israeli aggression on our country and its targeting of power stations is aimed at exacerbating the suffering of the Yemeni people and deterring the Republic of Yemen from its supportive stance towards the just and rightful Palestinian cause, which has not been achieved.”

The statement reaffirmed that “our stance in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people is principled, rooted in faith and religion, and will neither cease nor retreat. With God’s help, this aggression will not go unanswered.”

It further noted that “the Israeli aggression will only strengthen the Yemeni people’s determination to continue supporting Palestine and defending themselves. It will also motivate the Yemeni armed forces, who are capable, with God’s assistance, of disciplining this criminal entity.”

The council called on all nations, organizations, and entities worldwide to “condemn this heinous Israeli aggression against the Republic of Yemen, which reflects Israel’s ongoing aggression against the peoples of the world with U.S. backing, without facing any accountability or consequences.”

Mohammed Abdul Salam, the official spokesperson for the Houthis (Ansar Allah) and head of the Sana’a negotiating delegation, described the new Israeli aggression on civilian infrastructure in Hodeidah as an attempt to break Yemen’s support for Gaza.

In a post on his “X” platform account, Abdul Salam stated: “The U.S.-backed Israeli aggression is condemned, rejected, and will not impact the will of the Yemeni people, which is stronger than Israeli-American arrogance against the region’s peoples.”

Abdul Salam stressed that “this Israeli aggression on Yemen solidifies Yemen’s principled role toward Palestine and Gaza, as affirmed by the Yemeni people in their weekly million-strong protests, declaring they will not abandon Gaza or Lebanon.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health of the Sana’a government announced that 44 civilians were either killed or injured in the initial toll of the Israeli airstrikes. The statement reported four fatalities and 40 injuries, most of them in critical condition.

The ministry condemned the Israeli aggression, stating that the targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure in Hodeidah constitutes a full-fledged war crime, adding it to Israel’s record of brutal massacres in occupied Palestine and Lebanon.

On Sunday, Israeli warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on Hodeidah province, targeting the ports of Hodeidah and Ras Isa, as well as electricity storage facilities and power stations in Al-Hali and Ras Katib, according to the “Saba” news agency.

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority reported that dozens of Israeli fighter jets participated in the attack on Hodeidah for the second time, in response to three ballistic missile strikes launched by the Houthis on Tel Aviv.

Additionally, the U.S. news outlet Axios cited Israeli officials confirming that the airstrikes were coordinated with the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), a claim also echoed by the Israeli site Walla.

Hamas Condemns Israeli Aggression on Yemen

In Palestinian reactions, the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” condemned the Israeli terrorist bombing of Yemen, which targeted civilian infrastructure at the Hodeidah port. Hamas described it as a dangerous escalation and an extension of the aggression practiced by the Israeli occupation in Palestine, Lebanon, and the Arab region, backed by the U.S.

In a statement issued on Sunday evening, Hamas condemned the Israeli aggression on Yemen, expressing full solidarity with “the Yemeni people and Ansar Allah in the face of the Israeli-American aggression.” Hamas praised their steadfast stance in continuing to support Palestine and the oppressed Palestinian people.

Hamas confirmed that “the criminal enemy will not be able to weaken the morale of our people or the peoples of our region, nor can it break the will of resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq.” The movement cited the ongoing strikes that continue to hit Israeli strongholds, affirming that the occupation will continue to pay for its crimes until the aggression stops, on the path to liberation and return, God willing.

Popular Front: Israeli Aggression on Hodeidah is Another Crime in the Series

Similarly, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine strongly condemned the new Israeli airstrikes on Hodeidah, describing it as another crime in the series of atrocities committed by the Zionist entity against Arab nations, from Gaza to Lebanon, Syria, and now Yemen.

In its statement, the Popular Front said, “This aggression represents a desperate attempt by the occupation to cover up its failure in confronting the qualitative strikes carried out by Yemen’s heroes inside the Zionist entity.”

The statement added that “the enemy could not carry out such extensive bombings on Yemen without direct support from the United States, which provides political and military cover for Israel’s continued crimes, along with some reactionary Arab regimes that provide logistical support to the occupation.”

It expressed confidence that “this Zionist aggression will not break the will of the Yemeni people and that the response from Yemen’s armed forces will be harsh and painful deep inside Israel.”

Palestinian Resistance Committees Condemn Aggression and Affirm Yemen’s Resolve

The Palestinian Resistance Committees also condemned the brutal Israeli aggression on Hodeidah, which resulted in several civilian deaths and injuries. They affirmed that “this aggression will only strengthen the determination of the Yemeni people and their brave army.”

The committees stated that “the fascist Zionist aggression on Yemen will not weaken the resolve of the Yemeni people and their courageous leadership but will rather be met with new strikes, rockets, and drones targeting the Zionist enemy in its depths.”

They also saluted “the Yemeni people and their army, who, through their actions and sacrifices, stand in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, demonstrating the sincerity of their faith, devotion to their religion, and loyalty to their nation and homeland.”

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: Aggression Follows Occupation’s Military Failure

The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement noted that “this brutal Israeli aggression comes after the military and intelligence failures inflicted on the occupation by Yemen’s resistance, particularly the qualitative missile strikes deep into the occupying entity and its inability to stop the maritime blockade imposed by Yemen.”


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