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Shin Bet Prepares Underground Bunker to Protect Netanyahu from Imminent Attack by Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq

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The Hebrew news site “Walla” reported that the Shin Bet is preparing an underground command bunker in Jerusalem to protect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and security leaders, as they anticipate an attack from Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq.

“Israel Hayom” newspaper also reported that there are estimates suggesting that Iran possesses highly advanced ballistic missiles, such as the Shahab-3 and Khyber Shikan, which could be used to attack Israel.

Earlier, the American news site “Axios” cited expectations from American and Israeli sources that Iran might launch an attack on Israel starting as early as tomorrow, Monday.

The site noted that “three American and Israeli officials said they expect Iran to attack Israel soon, possibly as early as tomorrow, Monday.”

The news outlet added that “the U.S. administration expects Iran’s response to be similar to the attack Tehran carried out on Israel with missiles and drones on April 13th, but it could be on a larger scale and might involve operations from Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

On Saturday, the Hebrew Broadcasting Authority reported that the Israeli occupation is preparing for a coordinated response from Iran and allied parties and groups in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.

It was also reported that the response might include the launch of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones.

The occupation government is working on both political and military levels to rally its allies ahead of the expected attack, and these are the key preparations.

The internal security agency, Shin Bet, has heightened security for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers in anticipation of an Iranian response to the assassination of the elected Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, according to Channel 12 Hebrew.

Netanyahu has been required to obtain prior approval from Shin Bet for any visits or tours he or his ministers undertake.

The Netanyahu government has decided to distribute satellite phones to ministers and senior officials out of concern that communication networks might be disrupted in an attack by Iran and Hezbollah.

According to “Maariv” newspaper, “the government is taking an unusual step, fearing damage to communication networks during the Iranian attack.”

Meanwhile, “Yedioth Ahronoth” newspaper reported, citing informed sources, that “the Home Front Command of the Israeli army has directed several factories in northern Israel to empty their stores of toxic gases, fearing they might be targeted by Hezbollah.”

The occupation authorities have also opened shelters in several occupied cities, such as Tel Aviv, Sharon, Rosh HaAyin, and Kiryat Ono.

A security source told “Maariv” that the opening of shelters is in preparation for any scenario that might unfold in the coming days, especially in light of Iran’s ongoing threats to retaliate for recent Israeli attacks.

As part of the preparatory measures, a training exercise was also conducted in the operations room of Magen David Adom, the official medical service of the occupation state.

Earlier, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the deployment of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln to the eastern Mediterranean and the deployment of a squadron of F-22 fighter jets to join the aircraft carrier Roosevelt stationed in the Indian Ocean near the Arabian Sea, along with several destroyers positioned off the coast.

Source: Arabi21

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